The Rolled Array - 13, 15, 18, 16, 16, 12Woof, dude. Let's make something powerful. We'll build to Level 5 for now. 1) Race + Class ChoicesRACE - Shifter, Swiftstride Subrace Shifters are from the Wayfarer's Guide To Eberron, and act essentially as were-touched individuals. Shifters enjoy an automatic +1 to their Dexterity, and Swiftstride grants another +1 Dexterity, with a +1 Charisma bump. If I allocate correctly, I've got a 20 Dexterity at Level 1, so Monk or Rogue is a pretty clear choice. Without a Wisdom bump, I'd normally be questioning it, but my other extremely high stats back me up and open the door to any class I like. ;) Tack on the fact that Swiftstride grants Proficiency in Acrobatics, Perception, Darkvision, additional movement speed, and a circumstantial "Mobile" feature (moving without triggering attacks of opportunity), and this choice is feeling more and more obvious. Plus, the Shifting feature gives me a small damage buffer (+8 Temporary HP, Level+Con Modifier) if I really need it. CLASS - Monk, Drunken Master So let's map these stats: STR: 13 (+1) DEX: 18+2 = 20 (+5) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 16 (+3) CHA: 15+1 = 16 (+3) I'll decide to avoid all those awful Opportunity Attacks and take Mobile at 4th level, increasing my movement speed by 10 more, so by Level 5, I'm running circles around the board with 55 Speed. Lump onto this all the great features from Drunken Master like: 1) Ki and Flurry of Blows 2) Stunning Strike 3) Drunken Technique - grants Disengage + 10 speed every time I Flurry. 4) An extra proficiency in Performance won't hurt the busking in the street for some much-needed coin. :) 2) Gear and LoadoutThe beauty of selecting Monk here is a veritable lack of gear dependency, so this section is donezo. 3) Powers and EffectivenessFLURRY OF BLOWS and MARTIAL ARTS Ki Points: 5 Martial Arts: +8 to Hit, 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage Stunning Strike DC: 16 Total Possible Attacks Per Round: 4 AC and Defenses AC = Wisdom Mod + Dexterity Mod + 10 = 18 (will rise in later levels as I max out my Wisdom score Saves = Strength +4, Dexterity +8, Constitution +3, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +3, Charisma +3 Speed = 55 Feet Swiftstride Bonus Ability: once per short or long rest - SHIFT into a bestial form for +8 Temporary Hit Points, +5 movement speed, and a Reaction option to move 10 feet without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Last NotesName: Paw Dugan
Gender: Neutral Weight: 185 lbs. Height: 6' 1'' Hair: Amber Eyes: Hazel Hit Points: 51 AC: 18 Level: 5 Should be fun to try out. See you at the table. - Adamus
Adam SummererProfessional Game Master musician, music teacher, game designer, amateur bartender, and aspiring fiction author. Honestly, I write what I want when I want. Often monster lore, sometimes miniature showcases, and the occasional movie/show review.
April 2024